Effective Methods for Determining Your House\’s Facing Direction

December 15, 2023


Choosing the right facing direction for your home is essential according to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui. It influences your well-being, luck, and overall harmony. Here\’s a simple guide to help you determine the best facing direction for your house:

1. Stand at the Entrance:

Begin by standing at the entrance or front door of your home. This is where you\’ll evaluate the orientation of the house.

2. Use a Compass:

Use a compass to accurately determine the direction your property faces. Hold the compass level to find North, which will help you identify South, East, and West.

3. Observe Your Facing Direction:

While at the entrance, observe the direction you face when looking outward from your home.

4. Cross-Check from Different Points:

Confirm the facing direction by checking from different points within your home.

Importance of House Facing Direction in Vastu:

  • Vastu associates each direction with an element and deity, impacting your family\’s well-being. Living in alignment with these elements brings positive benefits, while misalignment can lead to financial and health issues.

Best House Facing Directions in Vastu:

  • According to Vastu Shastra, the favorable directions are east, northeast, and north.

Five Elements in Vastu:

  • Vastu considers air, fire, water, earth, and space as the Panchabhutas, representing energies influencing our lives.

Role of Directions in Choosing a Home:

  • Directions act as channels of energy into your home. Aligning your property with favorable directions ensures a flow of positive energy, promoting prosperity and well-being.

Choosing Main Entrance Direction:

  • North or Northeast: Considered auspicious for attracting wealth.
  • East: Associated with the rising sun, symbolizing energy and positivity.
  • Northwest: Welcomes health and prosperity, but may lead to the head of the family spending more time away.
  • West: Brings in wealth and positive energies associated with the setting sun.

Directions to Avoid:

  • South, Southeast, and Southwest are to be avoided, especially for the main entrance, as they may lead to disagreements and negative energies.

Remedies for South-Facing Homes:

  • Place Hanuman-themed tiles, lead pyramids, helix, and use specific metals and gems to counter negative energy.

Tips for Choosing Entrance Direction:

  • Ensure the entrance is aesthetically appealing and uncluttered.
  • Use wood for the main door, and choose materials based on the property\’s orientation.
  • Decorate with religious symbols and maintain silence while opening or closing doors.

Ideal Living Room Direction:

  • North and east are ideal for positive energies.
  • Preferred wall colors: green, white, blue, and yellow.
  • Door should face north or east.

Ideal Bedroom Direction:

  • Southwest is ideal for tranquility.
  • Avoid southeast and northeast.
  • Bed placement, no beams over the bed, and sleeping orientation matter for positive energy.

Ideal Pooja Room Direction:

  • East, north, or northeast is recommended.
  • Roof shaped like a pyramid for positive energy.

Ideal Kitchen Direction:

  • Southeast or northwest is ideal.
  • Stove facing southeast, avoid placing sink near the stove.

Ideal Bathroom Direction:

  • Northwest or west-facing is recommended.
  • Avoid east or northeast directions.

Following these guidelines can help create a balanced and harmonious living environment according to Vastu Shastra principles.

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